Central Texas PHTA
Promoting The Enjoyment And Safety Of Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs Throughout Central Texas
Come see what the FUN is all about!
We normally meet once per quarter, on the 4th Thursday of the following months:
- January
- April
- July
- October
Our in-person meetings start with an informal social hour from 6 PM to 7 PM, and then we kick off our formal meeting at 7:00 PM sharp. We normally wrap up around 8:30 PM.

In our monthly chapter meetings, we strive to bring in talented and knowledgeable guest speakers who will share their expertise, in an effort to help EVERYONE succeed.
For more information on our chapter meetings, please check out our Chapter Meetings page.
Register for our meeting notices to not miss out on any of our future events and receive news about the latest industry trends, announcements, and stories. Don’t miss out!
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